3% of You Can’t Pass This Guided Imagery Test

Many people would love guided imagery or guided meditation for an illness or stress, but they don’t think it will work because they think they are not imaginative.  Even some of the brightest medical students who need help with test-taking anxiety worry they won’t be able to engage their imaginations.  

Only One Group Truly Can’t Follow Along

For most of us, having “no imagination” is an exaggeration. But there is a neurological condition called aphantasia. Those who suffer from it are the rare handful of people who genuinely can’t go on an imaginary experiential journey led by someone else. They truly live in the present moment and literally can’t form mental images for something that’s not actually present like the other 97% of us can. 

The Power of Imagination

The concept of imagining or using the “mind’s eye” has been around since at least Cicero’s time in ancient Rome.  Einstein talked a lot about the imagination and stated that it was more important than knowledge. Imagination can create negative thoughts and feelings or positive ones.  It activates your brain and positively influences everything you do. E= mc2. Electricity. The iPhone. AI. All became a final creation first led by imagination. Bringing imagination into our daily lives professionally and personally offers serious power. 

The Easiest Pass/Fail Guided Imagery Test

This simple, short video on visualizing lemons will show you that you are in fact good at using your imagination.  Please try it and see for yourself and when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

“The man who has no imagination has no wings”

                              Muhammad Ali

Philip Selander
Detroit creative. Currently taking freelance work.

Gratitude for health care heroes. Still critical.


Cancer & Guided Imagery: “Holistic Support for The “C” Word”