The Health Guided Blog

Thoughts for Wellness Explorers

Gail Patricolo Gail Patricolo

A bedtime story for 2a.m. insomnia.

About one in four of us develop a serious sleep issue every year. With the new studies on how sleep impacts everything from our immune systems to brain health, it’s no wonder people look for solutions. Waking up at 2 a.m. in the morning night after night can feel overwhelming. What can a frustrated non-sleeper do after counting 1,000,000 sheep?

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Gail Patricolo Gail Patricolo

Gratitude for health care heroes. Still critical.

Last March, a physician friend said that for the first time in his 30 years of medicine he was afraid he might die. A nurse friend reiterated the same fear. These words had a tremendous impact on me. As a physician’s daughter who has worked in health care for over two decades…

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Philip Selander Philip Selander

3% of You Can’t Pass This Guided Imagery Test

Many people would love guided imagery or guided meditation for an illness or stress, but they don’t think it will work because they think they are not imaginative. Even some of the brightest medical students who need help with test-taking anxiety worry they won’t be able to engage their imaginations.

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Philip Selander Philip Selander

Guided Imagery for Insomnia: Getting to Sleep and Staying Asleep

At some point in life, each of us gets clobbered with some kind of sleep issue. Traditional medicine helps with conditions like sleep apnea but doesn’t have many answers for anyone struggling with insomnia. Traditional medicine most often offers one suggestion…pharmaceuticals.

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Philip Selander Philip Selander

Negative Emotions Affect Health. Fact or Fiction?

Are our emotions really connected to our bodies? And how deep does it go? Can emotions affect our immune cells?This video shares the science that separates fact from fiction when it comes to the mind/body connection.

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Philip Selander Philip Selander

The Mind Body Connection. Real or Woo Woo?

This era of all kinds of alternative and “out there” self-help health information becomes confusing to people. The internet is full of suggestions that are not evidence-based and grounded in science.

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