Negative Emotions Affect Health. Fact or Fiction?

Are our emotions really connected to our bodies? And how deep does it go? Can emotions affect our immune cells?This video shares the science that separates fact from fiction when it comes to the mind/body connection. (Link to the video.) 

For years, medical schools around the world have taught a fascinating topic called psychoneuroimmunology. It explains that positive emotions boost our immunity and negative ones lower our immune response 

Proof in a Blush

Think about those of us whose cheeks turn pink when we’re singled out.  It is fascinating that the mere emotion of embarrassment can turn the body’s skin surface red.  Blushing is psychoneuroimmunology in action.

A Word of Caution on Guilt Trips

I presented at a women’s conference where I talked about the mind/body connection and psychoneuroimmunology. During a Q and A, a woman stood up and said, “Gail, I get it!  I have hated my mother-in-law for years and that is why I have breast cancer!”  Now there are a myriad of reasons why one woman gets breast cancer, and another does not.  We are still finding out the many reasons.  Perhaps it is genetics, exposure to toxins, lifestyle factors like smoking, etc. We cannot jump to a conclusion that our thoughts and emotions caused cancer.

 The Main Point

What I think we should take away is that a constant state of negative feelings and emotions can lower immunity. So, doesn’t it make sense, when we recognize we are feeling down, angry or sad that we do everything in our power to find ways to help boost our mood and reduce our stress levels?

 The Fun Part

 This is where integrative medicine approaches come into play.  What is it that you like to do that reduces stress, quiets your mind and puts you in a better state of mind? Is it yoga? Meditation? Getting a massage or acupuncture?  Or perhaps listening to guided imagery recordings?

 Have fun discovering your immune-boosting activity!

Philip Selander
Detroit creative. Currently taking freelance work.

Guided Imagery for Insomnia: Getting to Sleep and Staying Asleep


The Mind Body Connection. Real or Woo Woo?