


Can everyone do guided imagery safely? 

Yes, 97% of us can use this powerful tool. However, people with severe psychiatric issues should not use guided imagery or any quieting technique without a recommendation from their physician. If you have delusions or hallucinations, a quiet mind could cause more psychotic episodes. 

Please note that guided imagery is a wonderful tool but not a replacement for medical care. 

What is the difference between your online MP3s and scheduling a private session for a custom recording? 

My guided imagery recordings on this website are ready-made and meant to help a wide variety of people who share a similar issue, for example insomnia or stress and anxiety. I have produced and sold thousands of these recordings over decades of working in a clinical setting. Many people have responded beautifully to them.  

However, in the hospital I also loved offering custom guided imagery recordings. These are particularly helpful for someone who wants me to use their name, address personal challenges and speak to more than one issue in their life as part of their recording. For example, a young woman with small children facing breast cancer has very different fears and anxieties than an older woman. The younger woman needs reassurance that she will have the energy to care for her busy young family and be around to see her kids grow up. Someone older may be hoping to travel to faraway places when her treatment is all over. One woman might also suffer from insomnia and another may have high blood pressure. In a more personalized custom recording, all of these issues can be addressed. 

What is the process for custom guided imagery? 

If you decide on a personalized recording, you simply email me at and we agree on a good time to talk. We can use Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or simply talk by phone for 30-60 minutes. During this meeting, I will explain the mind body connection and the premise of guided imagery in more detail. Then I’ll devote time for you to explain your situation and the help you need. Once we chat, I’ll then create your guided imagery recording and put the MP3 in Dropbox where I give you instructions for accessing and downloading it to your own personal device.  If for some reason you prefer the recording on a CD, then I will mail the CD to you. After our meeting, MP3s are created within 1 to 7 days. If a CD is requested, arrival will depend on the mail delivery service. 

Can I buy ready-made or custom guided imagery as a gift? 

Absolutely, both formats are available as gifts. Many of my clients were gifted their recordings by loved ones or friends. When people become sick in our lives, we often look for ways to help. Guided Imagery is a beautiful way to support those we care about most. 

The easiest way to purchase a ready-made recording is to send this electronic gift certificate.

For gifting a personal session, please reach out to me here. Individual or a series of custom recordings are available for your friend or loved one to accommodate a variety of budgets from $189 to $420. Many cancer patients appreciate a series that includes a pre-surgery recording to address anxiety, a treatment recording to help reduce potential medication side-effects and a post-treatment recording to help support a personal wellness mindset as they move through every phase of their treatment. This is true for a variety of conditions: cardiac treatment, insomnia, chronic pain and more. 

How do I listen to my Guided Imagery Recording? 

It’s easy! At a time when you can be quiet and uninterrupted for 20-30 minutes, find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Turn on your recording with or without headphones and simply relax and enjoy! Many clients listen to their recordings in bed at night. Even if you fall asleep, many experts believe you are still absorbing the benefits. 

How often do I need to listen to my recording? 

Initially, I recommend that you listen to the recording in its entirety at least once a day for approximately 30 days. No worries if you miss a day here and there. This gives you a chance to learn to turn off the busy chatter in your mind so that you can use this relaxation tool anytime or anywhere. Some of my clients have listened to their recording every night at bedtime for over a year. Other clients listen to the recording once during the day and then again at night. You can’t listen too much. The more you practice, the quicker you will reap the benefits. After you become very used to this practice, you might only have time to listen to a 5 or 10 minute “tune-up” of the recording. That’s fine too. Any time listening is beneficial. 

Once you listen to one recording for a month or more, you may wish to tackle another challenge. Then you can simply add another recording to your collection. I do not recommend starting several recordings at a time. 

What is your guided imagery style?

There are many great guided imagery recordings on the market done by talented people. So, I want to explain my style. I have been told I have a soft, soothing voice. Gentle music behind my voice also enhances relaxation. After working in a hospital setting for over 16 years, my clinical approach is somewhat unique due to my interaction with physicians, nurses, rehab specialists and psycho-social experts. This experience gives me the ability to not only understand patient needs but also be familiar with the medical circumstances they are going through. I build these insights into both my ready-made recordings offered on this website and my custom recordings. If you choose a custom recording, I can spend time discussing your specific medical treatments and include positive suggestions related to their success in your recording. 

What is the format of your recordings? 

You can instantly download our ready-made guided imagery to your favorite electronic device in an mp3 format. Custom recordings are available in both mp3 and CD formats. 

Can I return ready-made or custom recordings? 

Unfortunately, these products are not returnable or refundable. Please listen to the samples on the website to determine if this type of therapy appeals to you. We appreciate your understanding that once you download an MP3 it is in your possession and that the custom recordings involve several hours of work to create.