
Many of Gail’s clients were recommended by their Doctors to support their healing journey.

“The cancer journey can be quite scary, especially when dealing with the effects of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. During these times, it’s more important than ever to identify strategies that patients can utilize to help them to navigate through the treatment and to optimize health and healing. This is where Gail and guided imagery shines.  Her skills and experience, her calming voice and soothing images are just what the doctor ordered to help with the healing journey.”

Maureen Anderson, M.D., ABEM, ABoIM, Integrative Medicine

“When medicine is not enough, I prescribe Gail. I can’t say enough about the value of her work with my patients. A diagnosis of heart disease or high blood pressure can be very stressful. Gail's unique professional skill instills a sense of calm and much needed reassurance. Her work will stay in your heart and mind.”

Pam Marcovitz, M.D., FACC, Cardiologist

“The words in my recording will remain in my heart and thoughts forever. I truly hope you know what an impact you’ve had on myself, and I’m sure countless others.”

Custom Meditation Customer

"In my sleep medicine practice, I treated many patients with insomnia. The guided imagery that Gail provides is perfectly suited to helping lower the elevated somatic and cognitive arousal states which can interfere with sleep.  Gail is a skillful and compassionate practitioner whom I was extremely gratified to rely on as part of multimodal treatment.” 

Robert L. Begle, M.D., D, ABSM American Board of Sleep Medicine. Retired Director

“As Chief of Urology and Director of a Women’s Urology and Pelvic Health Center specializing in pelvic pain I work with patients from around the world with complicated issues. For over 16 years, I have had the privilege of sending my patients to Gail for guided imagery. She is a highly skilled practitioner with a voice like an angel - a perfect combination of warmth, professionalism and skill.  My patients say that her recordings have helped them relax and deal with many serious challenges and pain syndromes. Gail’s recordings have significantly enhanced the care of my patients.”

Kenneth Peters, M.D. Professor and Chair of Urology and Director Women’s Urology & Pelvic Health Center. 

Gail has helped so many of my patients relax when dealing with stress — from students with test-taking anxiety to tired, busy moms. Guided imagery is such an effective tool to elicit the body’s innate ability to heal. Gail’s healing voice and therapeutic style is a perfect combination to support any naturopathic protocol that I recommend to my patients.”

Hallie Armstrong, N.D.

Gail you are truly a pioneer in a great field of medicine!  Thanks  for all your help.

My kids are heading out to a sleep over and guess what they are taking?  Not any of their Christmas toys…but YOUR cds!  Did I mention they actually had the entire family close their eyes during Christmas Eve as they imitated your guided imagery.  What an impression you’ve made!

C. Smith

I had a rough week with low white counts…lots of pain and nausea.  Last night was my worst so far so I filled up my bathtub and soaked for a long time while listening to your beautiful voice and imaging my immune system doing all the things its meant to do.  Today…my white count (drum roll please)…was 4.7!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you again for sharing this wonderful tool called Guided Imager in card.  

Custom Meditation Client

Gail I just wanted you to know I’ve received positive feedback from patients that listened to your cd. They were able to relax and stated that they had better pain control.  Thank you for developing a great cd!

Nurse Response in email