
Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women through Integrative Medicine

Armstrong, H., Study, K., Zador, V., Peters, K.M., & Patricolo, G.E. (2019). Nonpharmacological approaches to treating lower urinary tract symptoms in women through integrative medicine. Urologic Nursing, 39(1), 7-16. doi:10.7257/1053-816X.2019.39.1.7 © 2019 Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates 

Incorporating Integrative Medicine into Standard Oncologic ManagementChirag Shah, M.D., Thomas Lanni, Jr MBA

Gail Evo. Department of Radiation Oncology and Integrative Medicine, William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, MI 48073. Am J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug;35(4):406 

The Business of Integrative Medicine in a Large Hospital System: Our Institution’s Experience.

Thomas Lanni, Jr., MBA, FACHE and Gail Elliott Patricolo, BA(Hons), Grad CertCAM, CHt, Beaumont Cancer Institute, Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MI J or Hospital Admin. 2014, Vol.3,No.3 

Using Guided Imagery in a Hospital Setting

Wood, M.D. and Gail Elliott Patricolo, BA(Hons), Grad CertCAM Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MI, Alt and Compl Ther, Dec. 2013,Vol.19,No.6 

Lymphedema Care for the Breast Cancer Patient: An Integrative Approach

Gail Elliott Patricolo, BA(Hons), Grad CertCAM, Karen Armstrong, NCTM, Justin Riutta, MD, and *Thomas Lanni, Jr., MBA, FACHE, The Breast. 

Incorporating Naturopathic Medicine into a Hospital Setting: Our Institution’s Experience

Thomas Lanni, Jr., MBA, FACHE, Maureen Anderson, MD, Hallie Armstrong, ND, and Gail Elliott Patricolo, BA(Hons),GradCertCAM. 

A Unique Partnership Between a Health System’s Insurance Plan and the Integrative Medicine Department benefits Patients and Helps Control Costs:

Maureen Anderson, MD, Karen Armstrong, LMT,NCTM, Katherine Nori Janosz, MD,FACP, ABIM, ABOM, ABIHM, Michael Tocco,  DAOM Fellow, R.Ac.,R.N., Nancy A. DeVore RN,BS,CCM,Geoffrey Stachura, Linda Styczynski, R.N., BSN,CCP, WHE, Karen Stachura, Hallie Armstrong, N.D., Gail Elliott Patricolo, BA(Hons), Grad CertCAM.