
Cancer Support

Learn how calming meditation can help support your immune system.

Studies show science-directed guided meditation can help reduce your stress levels and therefore improve your well-being as part of your healing journey.

Stress and worry hinder the body’s natural healing abilities. Medical studies agree that calming the brain and stress reduction help support the body’s immune system.

Support your body and mind with healing thoughts and encourage a healthy immune response throughout your cancer journey.


Guided Cancer Support: Length 35:30

Note: After purchase you will be sent a link to your email to download this guided meditation. The link is good for 24 hours after it’s arrived in your email box.


Many of Gail’s clients were recommended by their Doctors to support their healing journey.

“The cancer journey can be quite scary, especially when dealing with the effects of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. During these times, it’s more important than ever to identify strategies that patients can utilize to help them to navigate through the treatment and to optimize health and healing. This is where Gail and guided imagery shines.  Her skills and experience, her calming voice and soothing images are just what the doctor ordered to help with the healing journey.”

Maureen Anderson, M.D., ABEM, ABoIM, Integrative Medicine